Monday, January 31, 2011

Monday, 1/31/11

Today has been the same. He still seems like he is not feeling as well as a few days ago. He's still eating, but slower, but can always be bribed by his treats. He's still showing affection towards me.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sunday, 1/30/11

Jake threw up a little last night & this morning, but nothing near like yesterday morning. This afternoon, he took a nap with me, which was nice. Tonight, he's not feeling well. He threw up all over the patio and has become more mellow. I don't know if it is from the chemo, since it's been a few days sine he finished.

Saturday, 1/29/11

I was awoken at 5am by Jake about to throw up. Luckily, I was able to get a towel under him, as it was a bad one! The rest of the day, he was doing ok. Still eating and being social.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Friday, 1/28/11

Today is starting out to be a great day. This morning, I took out the bubbles and he showed interest. Then, I took out a piece of ribbon from his toy basket. I was waving it in front of him and he started playing with it. We did this for about 5 minutes. He was having fun!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Thursday, 1/27/11

Jake is still doing ok, considering the chemo. This morning, he was getting a little annoyed when I went near him, so I'm thinking he's not feeling well. However, he is not in hiding. Same thing tonight.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Wednesday, 1/26/11

Jake threw up a little this morning. Nothing major. Considering the chemo, I think he's doing really well. He woke me up early to eat. Was able to give him seconds for breakfast, as long as I bribed him with treats. I tried to cut his back nails, but only was able to get 1 before he jumped off my lap. Still being somewhat social. He lets me near him, which I'm grateful for.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Tuesday, 1/25/11

Jake didn't come in the bedroom at all last night. He isn't acting sick, just tired. This morning, he showed interest when I went to feed him, but just picked a little and left most of it. He is not in hiding and lets me pet him, so that is good. It looks like he might be starting to gain a little weight. When I say a little, I mean maybe 1/2 lb. I can tell when I pet him, that his spine isn't as noticable.

When I got home, he had finished his food from the morning. Today is day 2 for chemo. He eventually finished his dinner and even had seconds. Still a little mello, but social. He did bite my knee when he was trying to get to his spot on the living room rug, and my legs were blocking him.    

Monday, January 24, 2011

Monday, 1/24/11

Jake slept with me most of the night. I was still annoyed at the bite, so I didn't really acknowledge him. He kept coming up and nudging/licking me. I fed him 3 times this morning and then 3 times tonight. He also started back on chemo again this evening. I think he's feeling it already because for the past half hour or so, he has been sleeping on the kitchen counter.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sunday, 1/23/11

Today was a great day. Jake wanted to be around me and let me pet him a lot. He slept with me most of the night. His appetite is amazing-I fed him 3 times since this afternoon.

Tonight, I went to pick him up to bring him to bed with me and he bit the palm of my hand really hard.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Saturday, 1/22/11

Jake's appetite is back! He had eaten his breakfast by the time I got home early afternoon. By 3:30pm he was hungry, so I gave him a spoonful of food, which he ate. About an hour later, I gave him another spoonful. A few hours later, I gave him another! It just makes my day that he wants to eat again. He took a nap with me for about an hour, which made me feel good. 

Friday, January 21, 2011

Friday, 1/21/11

I woke up a few times in the middle of the night to check on Jake. He's still just sitting either on the living room or dining room rug. As of this morning, he still had barely touched his dinner. I gave him a small amount of fresh canned food this morning. He looked at it as if he was debating whether or not to eat it. Then he just walked away. A little while later, I put some treats on the rug where he was sitting and he ate them. I then put his bowl in front of him. He did pick at it a little, but barely. I called the dr and he said it's more likely the disease than an effect from the medicine. He seems to feel that after the second round of chemo, that he will start responding. I just hope between now & then, I can get him to eat. He must weigh 5 or 6 lbs now. He's all skin & bones. I hate seeing him like this. I also told the vet that he crouches, rather than sitting and asked if that means he's in pain. He said that it's more likely cramping and that he's uncomfortable, but not in pain.

Tonight, he took his medicine, but then wouldn't touch his dinner. After about an hour, I put some treats in the bowl and moved it in front of him. He ate the treats and some of the food. I put the bowl back and when I checked a little while later, he must have gone over and eaten the rest of it. I asked if he wanted more and he came over. I put a little in the bowl and he picked at it for a few seconds.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Thursday, 1/20/11

Jake seems to be feeling a little better this morning. Still eating his seconds for breakfast & dinner. Not looking forward to chemo next week. Hopefully he won't act too badly to it and I will see more of an improvement the following week. 

Tonight when I came home, he had thrown up on his litter mat again. Jake was trying to go in the shower while I was rinsing it off. I picked him up and carried him to the living room. When I put him down, his legs gave out and he collapsed. He got right back up on his feet and walked into the kitchen. Not sure what happened there. He's not really hungry tonight. He took his cookie, but is barely touching his dinner. I even tried to bribe him with more treats, but he can't be bothered.   

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Tuesday, 1/18/11

I can tell Jake isn't feeling well today. He did eat his 2 breakfasts, but pretty much wants to be alone. When I got home, he had thrown up in the dining room. I gave him his "cookie". He started eating his dinner, but only ate a little before sitting back under the dining room table, which is his new favorite spot. I thought he would continue to make progress. I hope today was just a minor setback and he gets some energy back.

Monday, 1/17/11

Still eating seconds for breakfast & dinner. I noticed tonight that he had thrown up by his litter box sometime today. He seems a little more withdrawn the past few days.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sunday, 1/16/11

No significant changes this weekend, except for his appetite. This morning, he woke me up at 5am to eat. I fed him and at about 7am when I finally got up for good, he was still hungry, so I fed him again. Then, starting about 3:30 this afternoon, he was crying for food. I was able to put him off for about an hour, because I didn't want to give him his medicine too early. Again, he wolfed everything down and then did the same with seconds. He must have eaten about 6oz today! Hopefully he'll be nice & fat soon!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Friday, 1/14/11

Jake is doing about the same. He is still mello, but I can see more of his personality coming back each day. He spent a good part of the night in bed with me. He ate all his breakfast, plus some dry food. Tonight, he finished seconds. 

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Thursday, 1/13/11

Jake was sleeping on the bed early this morning. About 1/2 hr before I was supposed to get up, he came up and licked my face and then plopped down on my belly. A few minutes later, he got off the bed and meow'd a few times (probably for food). Then, he jumped back up on my belly. I was so happy! I truly think he is starting to feel like himself again.

This evening, he had seconds! He's even starting to eat the dry food again. I'm so happy. I can't wait until he starts gaining some weight-he's all skin & bones.

Tonight, me & Jake had a moment. He came up to me while I was folding clothes and was staring at me. I knelt down and he raised his paw. I held it, and whenever I would let go, he would put his paw back up. I think he was trying to tell me that he knows I'm trying to help him. Then, we went over to his toy basket and I showed him some of his toys. He even let me brush him lightly for about a minute.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Wednesday, 1/12/10

Everything is still the same this morning. He ate all his breakfast. Tonight, I gave him his "cookie" before dinner. He ate it very quickly. Since the procedure and the start of the meds, it looks like he is slurping down his food, but he's really only eating a little at a time. When I gave him his dinner, he gobbled it all down. I even gave him seconds. I noticed that he had thrown up in the guest bathroom earlier today. 

Tuesday, 1/11/11

Not much diffferent today. He did eat all his breakfast. When I got home, I noticed that he had thrown up in the office. He hasn't done that in a week.

I had a little laugh this evening. Jake was sitting in the dining room, when all of a sudden, he darted out onto the patio. I looked, and saw a cat walking by outside. The cat kept walking and Jake came back inside. 

Tonight he is still the same. He'll come on my bed for a bit, but pretty much wants to do his own thing. 

Monday, January 10, 2011

Monday, 1/10/11

Jake slept in the living room all night. I fed him this morning, but as of when I left for work, he had only picked at a little bit of it. I tried to pet him and rub his belly, and he actually whined & bit my hand. First time I've seen that since before the endoscopy.

He finished his breakfast and I gave him a little extra for dinner. He is eating, but slowly. He still wants to be alone most of the time. It just breaks my heart seeing him like this.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sunday 1/9/11

This morning has been awesome so far! Got up around 7am and was able to get Jake in bed and under the covers. He plopped right down. A bit later, I started to rub his belly. He stretched out as far as he could, so I wouldn't miss a spot. He let me do this for a good 10-15 min. Then he got out from under the covers and layed on top of the bed and napped with me for another hour or so. When we finally got up, I gave him a little bit of food. He at the whole thing pretty quickly. I hope that's a sign of things to come!

About 4pm today, I gave him his "cookie" with no problems. Then I gave him a little canned food. He ate the whole thing. I even gave him seconds and he ate most of it. You can tell by the way he walks and sits that he is still uncomfortable, but I hope that passes soon.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Saturday, 1/8/11

Jake spent most of the night on the couch. By the morning, he only ate a small amount of food. I called the dr. this afternoon and got pred. in a pill form. I'm now going to give him 10mg (3.3ml) once a day. I gave him his "cookie" before dinner with his pill and he ate it with no problem. Then I gave him some canned food without medicine (except the anti-nausea, which he doesn't seem to mind). He went right for it, but lateley when it seems like he is eating for 5 minutes straight, there is still a lot left in the bowl. I guess he's taking it in slower. Fine with me-as long as he shows interest and eats most of it eventually. I think today is the first day I was able to get a full dose in him. Hopefully he will perk up soon!  

Friday, 1/7/11

Jake came into bed with me early this morning, actually licked my face (which he hasn't done in over a week), and plopped down in the crook of my arm for a few minutes. He still won't finish his food. I'm now getting really concerned because I want him to get the pred. in his system which will help his appetite and help him get stronger. Spoke to one of the dr.'s today and she said to call her tomorrow if he still isn't eating, and she will prescribe a pill form.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Thursday, 1/6/11

Jake actually came into bed with me twice last night. He didn't stay long, but at least he wasn't in hiding. When I woke up, his bowl was empty, so he did finally finish his dinner at some point. I fed him this morning, but when I got home, his bowl was still full.

For the first time in a week, I can see a bit of Jake coming back. He didn't hide as much and let me near him. This morning, he went on the patio and actually sat on the sofa out there, enjoying the fresh air.  

I picked up refills on his pred. & anti-nausea meds tonight. I was told to decrease his dosage of the pred. to 3ml ONCE a day. Not sure why they increased it and then decreased it-I did question it both times, but that's just what they want,

Tonight, I fed him again, but he won't eat. I think by me putting more meds (liquid form) in his food, he can smell it and refuses to eat. By around midnight, he did eat about a third of it. Will have to call the dr. tomorrow if he doesn't start eating, to see if there is another way to get him his meds. He did take his 2 chemo pills via "cookies" with no problem though, since I gave that to him separately, before his dinner. He is good on that for the next 2 1/2 weeks.    

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Wednesday, 1/5/11

Today didn't start off well. Jake refused to eat this morning. I was putting some wet food on my finger and then putting on his mouth to force him to lick it off. He was getting annoyed, so I stopped. I called the dr. because I was worried about him not getting his prednisodone. I was told to wait until the evening and call if he still isn't eating. I not only had to give him his 2nd dose of pred for the day, but it was day 3 of 4 for the chemo. I was nervous all day, expecting to come home to a full bowl of food. I kept thinking that if he doesn't eat, this is the end.

Thank God when I came home, the bowl was empty. I was SO happy! I gave him his 2 "cookies" (chemo), which he ate. Then I gave him the canned food with the pred, but he showed no interest again. By later in the evening he had started to pick at it a bit. I really hope the meds start kicking in soon and making him feel better. I miss Jake!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Tuesday, 1/4/11

Jake is still acting really mello, but still has an appetite, which I am SO grateful for. He ate his breakfast and dinner (and meds) with no problem. I am hoping that I start to see my Jakey back soon. It's like someone replaced him with a cat that looks just like Jake, but with no personality. It's heartbreaking seeing him like this. He still hides in the dining room for hours on end, but does perk up a bit when I open the patio door. He will go out there, just walk around a bit, and come back in. But at least he is still doing things he enjoys doing, just without the spunk.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Monday 1/3/11

Jake was still mello when I left for work this morning. A little after 4pm, I got the dreaded phone call confirming it WAS cancer. The dr was talking about different options, but to be honest, I can't remember what he was saying. I do remember him saying that there is oral chemo available. I had sworn that if it was cancer, I didn't want to put him through any more stress. I had decided against anything that would require me bringing him back to the dr's office and any needles or sedation.

I was able to start him on chemo this evening-two 2mg pills (4mg total). The pills are the size of baby aspirin and I have to give him 2 pills, once a day, for 4 days. Then start again 3 weeks from the first dose. I bought these "pill pockets" which are soft treats with a hole that you hide the pill in. You pinch it closed, and he thinks he's getting his "cookies".  I had a little trouble giving him the first dose, as it was about 2 hrs after his dinner and he wasn't hungry. I was able to bribe him with some chicken I was eating.      

About 11pm, he threw up all the chicken and some dry food all over his litter mat. I rinsed the mat off in the shower. When I was done, Jake went in the shower and started drinking all the water (he had started to do this occasionally a few weeks ago when I was in the shower). He drank for a good 15 minutes. The dr. said that the chemo pills would have been absorbed in the first half hour, so I was glad about that. And the reason for his thirst was more likely the prednisodone kicking in, rather than the chemo pills. I completely lost it during all this, just thinking about any pain or discomfort he was in.